Duarte Nuno Lourenço Vitória was bom on the 29th of July, 1973, in Penaliel, Portugal. 1996 - Bachelor degree in Design; 2001- Bachelor degree in Painting; 2003- Graduation in Plastic Arts Painting; 2004- Formation Course on Environment, Penafiel;

1996-Selected to represent the students of Design in the Exhibition o
f he end of their course, Oporto; 1997-Collective Exhibition of Design, "Great Spring Exhibrtion", Casino Estoril; 2002-Collective Exhibition, "Between the game and the artifice of the persona", Fórum da Maia; - 2nd Biennial of Painting "New Art of Penafiel", Penafiel; - Collective Exhibition, "CESAP 20 Years", Ferreira Borges Market Hall, Oporto; 2003-Collective Exhibition, "Plastic Arts Prize Henrique Silva", Paredes; - Collective Exhibition, 11th Arts Meeting, Paredes; -Collective Exhibltion, "Market I", Fuga pela Escada Gallery, Guimarães; 2004-Individual Exhibition inserted in the 'Artistic Expressions Cycle", Penafiel; - 3rd Award Prize in the 1st Artistic Meeting, Celorico de Basto; - Collective Exhibition, Rotararte, Vila Nova de Gaia; - Individual Exhibition, "Contact", Fuga pela Escada Gallery, Guimarães. - Collective Exhibition, "Market II", Fuga pela Escada Gallery, Guimarães. 2005 - 3rd Biennial of Painting, "New Art of Penafiel"; -"Henrique Silva Prize", (1st Award Prize), Paredes. - Collective "5 Landscapes seen through a window"; Fuga pela Escada Gallery, Guimarães. - Collective Exhibition, "Today & Alter Tomorrow", Nuno Sacramento Gallery, Aveiro - Individual Exhibition, "Introspecting...", Nuno Sacramento Gallery, Aveiro.- Collective Exhibition, " Market III", Fuga pela Escada Gallery, Guimarães. 2006 - Collective Exhibltion, Nuno Sacramento Gallery, Aveiro. - Collective Exhibition, "If I gave you a colour, would you give me a drawing?", Guimarães. -Collectlve Exhibition, "16", LM Gallery, Sintra.


