Isabel Monteiro was born on the 26th of February, 1965, at Beduído, in Estarreja, Portugal.

Individual exhibitions

2005 - Trindade gallery, Oporto;

2004 - Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra; "Surf Trip", Trema Gallery, Lisbon;

2003 - Trindade Gallery, Oporto;

2002 - Communications Foundation Art Gallery, Lisbon; 20of - Trindade Gallery, Porto;

2000 - "New Project", Trindade Gallery, Oporto

Colective exhibitions

2006 - "02 Mail", Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Paris-France;

2005 - "Artlet", Alvarez Gallery, SalaUM, Oporto;

        - Lisbon Art'OS, Trindade Gallery, Lisbon;

2004 - "Alvarez Horror Art Show", Alvarez Gallery, SalaUM, Oporto;

        - Project "Lomo-Futecom", Artes em Partes Building, Oporto;

        - Lisbon Art '04,Trindade Gallery, Lisbon;

2003 - Art Cologne 03 Fair, Alvarez Gallery, Cologne, Germany;

        - Lisbon Art '03, Trindade Gallery, Lisbon;

        - Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Prize, a selected place of work, Amarante;

2002 - Lisbon Art '02, Trindade Gallery, Lisbon; "RS.S.F" and "Seven Mortal Sins", Alvarez Gallery, SalaUM, Oporto;

        - II Baviera Prize, with a selected piece of work, Porto;
01 - Lisbon Art 'of, Trindade Gallery, Lisbon;
2000 - Lisbon Art '00, Trindade Gallery, Lisbon;

        - "Interface" Project, Artes em Partes Building, Oporto;

        - "Primo Liceo Artístico Statale di Torino", Turim, Italy;

1999 - Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Prize, with a selected piece of work, Amarante;

        - III National Contest of Young People in the Plastic Arts, "Francisco Wandschneider", with a selected piece of
          work, Oporto.


