Stefania Barale
was bom on the 2Oth of February, 1974 in Italy.


Formation - 2006 - Attends the 2nd year of the Sculpture Course from Fine Arts Faculty of Lisbon.


Exhibitions - 2006 - Collective, International Siennial of Ceramic Sculpture "CERCO" Zaragoza Spain;  - Collective, Sculpture "DOVE" and Honourable Mention, Antikis Gallery- Lisbon;   - Collective, Sculpture Siennial of Sacavém Ceramics Museum;  - Collective, Alfonso Ariza Sculpture - La Rambla Spain;  2005 - Collective, "Erotic Weeks Gondomar 2005", Plastic Arts Exhibit; - Collective, Mine Art 1 st Exhibit of Tiling, Sculpture Amadora; - Opera "The Fakir", selected for the VII Biennial of Cairo 2006;  2004 - Spazio Contemporâneo, Project developed with the Artist and Architect Alessandro Guerriero (Founder of the '70s Movement 'ALCHIMIA:') Milan, Italy; - 'AI di lá de Parco" Palazzo delle esposizioni- Faenza Italy;

Scholarships - 2006 - Scholar in the X A. Ariza Sculpture Symposium - La Rambla- Spain; 2005-2006 - Scholarfrom "Universia" in FSAUL; 2003 - Scholar in the Salgadelos Experiment Seminary, Porcelain Factory of Salgadelos, Galiza Spain;

At present she's Former in the Artistic Course from


