Sara Antunes

· 2006, August/September - participates in the Collective Exhibition of the 5th year Painting III Finalists 2004/2005, Árvore Cooperative, Oporto.
· 2006, May - Honourable Mention in the XIX Spring Salon, Painting Annual Showing, Casino Estoril Gallery, Estoril.
·  2006 April - Collective Exhibition of Design with Rute Coelho, S. Jorge Palace Gallery, with the support of EGEAC.
·  2006 February and March Collective Exhibition of Plastic Arts, Casal de S. Domingos Cultural Space, Sintra, with the support of the City Hall of Sintra; - (same date) - Collective Exhibition of the 5th year Painting - III Finalists 2004/2005, Galveias Palace.
·  2006, January and March, Collective Exhibition of Design - V Finalists 2004/2005 from FBAUL, Fine Arts National Society (and then in Torres Vedras and Montemor-o-Novo).
2005, June, participates in the XVIII Spring Salon, Painting Annual Showing, Casino Estoril Gallery. · 2002/2003 - Honourable Mention in the contest Sculpture of Residua and Plastic Packaging, promoted by AULisbon and by PLASTVAL.
2002, creates the project of Collective Exhibitions - INSPIRARTE in collaboration with the Experimental Group of Cultural lntervention - GEIC.


