Conceiçăo Freitas
Graduation in Plastic Arts Sculpture, from ESBAL.
Formation in Jewellery.

Individual Exhibitions:
01 - The Eulogy of Clay, Lisbon; Anthropomorphic Sculptures, Valadares, Gaia; 2002 Santa Catarina Space, Lisbon; 2005: "Silences in an argil chess", Sintra; 2006: Allegories in Argil, Sintra.

Collective Exhibitions:
1989 Aberta Gallery, Almada; 1990: MOSTRAFA 90, Trafaria; 1995: Arts Fair, Almada; 1996 Artists Professors,
Almada; 1998: Ceramics and Jewellery, Óbidos and Caldas da Rainha; 1999: GóisArte; 2000: GóisArte; With Stone and Metal, Lisbon; 2001 GóisArte; Conviviality Salon of SNBA; 2002: Montepio Geral, Lisbon; SCALA, Almada; Conviviality Salon of SNBA; National Club Members of Plastic Arts, Lisbon; 2003: SCALA, Almada; III Nazaré Plastic Arts Biennial; Conviviality Salon of SNBA; 2004: SCALA, Almada; Collective of Jewellery, Almada; 2005: Collective of Jewellery, Almada; SCALA, Almada; D.G. of Justice Administration, Lisbon; IV Nazaré Plastic Arts Biennial; 2006: SCALA, Almada; Flora poética (Poetic Flora), Lisbon; Collective of Jewellery, Almada; GóisArte 2006; Collective, Orozo.

Award Prizes:
1987 Commemorative Medal of Painter Amadeu de Sousa Cardoso's Birth, Honourable Mention (ESBAL); 1988: Contest of Public Art Projects, 1st Prize (Caldas da Rainha); 2003: Sculpture Prize,
III Nazaré PlasticArts Biennial.


