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Nº 62975 - Ellis Island - The baggage room on the first floor of the Main Building is where newly arrived immigrants left their belongings on their way to the Registry Room on the second floor. The mass of trunks in this exhibit call to mind the original owners, their fear, hopes and dreams - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner,2009 - Dim. 15x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

 (Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


97. Ellis Island - The baggage room on the first floor of the Main Building is where newly arrived immigrants left their belongings on their way to the Registry Room on the second floor. The mass of trunks in this exhibit call to mind the original owners, their fear, hopes and dreams.

Nº 62977 - A view of the Registry Room at Ellis Island which was the main reception depot for immigrants to the Uniteds States between 1900 and 1954. Typically, 5000 people a day passed through this room as they waited to be inspected and processed for entry into the United States - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner,2009 - Dim. 15x10,5 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)



98. A view of the Registry Room at Ellis Island which was the main reception depot for immigrants to the Uniteds States between 1900 and 1954. Typically, 5000 people a day passed through this room as they waited to be inspected and processed for entry into the United States.

Nº 62980 - Ellis Island - This beautiful brick and limestone building, built in the French Renaissance style at a cost of 1.5million dollars, opened its doors for the first time on December 17,1900. It was designed to process half a million new comers per year, but at its peak year, over 1.000.000 people passed through - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner,2009 - Dim. 15x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


99. Ellis Island - This beautiful brick and limestone building, built in the French Renaissance style at a cost of 1.5million dollars, opened its doors for the first time on December 17,1900. It was designed to process half a million new comers per year, but at its peak year, over 1.000.000 people passed through.

Nº 62981 - Beyond Ellis Island, the New York City skyline hints at the possibilities and promise of a new life in the United States - Ed. Impact Photographer - Joe Luman, Terrell Creative - SD - Dim. 15x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

100. Beyond Ellis Island, the New York City skyline hints at the possibilities and promise of a new life in the United States. Nº 62981 - Beyond Ellis Island, the New York City skyline hints at the possibilities and promise of a new life in the United States - Ed. Impact Photographer - Joe Luman, Terrell Creative - SD - Dim. 15x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

STATUE OF LIBERTY - Pasta postal com 12 imagens - Ed. exclusively made for the Statue of Liberty Museum Store - SD - Dim. 12,7x16,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

101. Pasta postal com 12 imagens - Verso

Nº 43582 - Ed. Impact Photograher - Henry T. Kaiser / Transparencies inc. - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

102.   Verso  Nº 43582 - Ed. Impact Photograher - Henry T. Kaiser / Transparencies inc. - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

Nº 49677 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 10,7x14,9 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


103.    Verso

Nº 50284 - Ed. Impact -  Photographer - Blaine Harrington - SD - Dim. 10,7x14,9 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

104.   Verso - Nº 50284 - Ed. Impact - Photographer - Blaine Harrington - SD - Dim. 10,7x14,9 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

Nº 50284 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Blaine Harrington - SD - Dim. 15x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

105.   Verso - Nº 50284 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Blaine Harrington - SD - Dim. 15x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

Nº 50285 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Arye Rubenstein - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

106.  Nº 50285 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Arye Rubenstein - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

Nº 50286 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


107.   Verso

Nº 50287 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


108.   Verso

Nº 50289 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 15x10,8 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


109.   Verso

Nº 50290 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 15x10,8 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)



Nº 50295 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)

(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


111.   Verso

Nº 50472 - Ed. Impact Photographer - Jon Ortner - SD - Dim. 14,9x10,7 cm - Col. Fátima Manuela Bóia (2011)


(Postal removido a pedido do fotógrafo Jon Ortner.)


112.   Verso


Fátima Bóia - Aveiro

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