Versos Poliglóticos



The Bad Lot


The Portuguese Chamberpot



A President,

Only resident.


A Parliament,

Always obedient.


A Prime Minister,

Often sinister.


Fourteen Ministers,

Fourteen twisters.


Many Secretaries,

Merely functionaries.


A  lot of Councilmen,

Most of them chess men.






They are few,

But like an ugly new,

They annoy badly

And strike madly.


Adapated from "Pico, Pico, Seramico,

Todos do mesmo Penico"

                December 26th,  2013






To be happy, it would be free,

To depend just on me.

To be unhappy is normal:

I am living in Portugal.

           January 17th,  2014



Emmanuel Jal


The child soldier fought violently,

But innocently,

For a new nation.


Now the rapper man combats badly,

But intelligently,

For education.


The music is his gun,

The children are his sun.

His biggest enemy

Is the poverty.

His golden dream shall be

A youth happy and free.

      January l7th,  2014



The Latex Baby


The boy is too mad

And she was a must.

They got into bed,

In condom they trust.


The latex was chinese

So it was not the best.

And the result is:

A baby in the nest.

           December 26th, 2013